Extensively worked with the top brands in pharmaceutical companies such as HUMANA, GENENTECH, and NOVARTIS. Presenting here a few use cases of branded vs. generic medications workflow
Click on these tabs (UX Phases) to understand the roles and activities I performed during each phase
Case Study of Humana Project
Project Type
Problem Statement Discovery
Humana Pharmacy often provides cost savings for members and some may see home delivery as an increased convenience, There is a low awareness of Humana Pharmacy. Additionally, many members prefer to pick up prescriptions locally because it’s a form of social interaction, they appreciate the ability to engage with their pharmacist about medicine and health questions.
Need to include prior authorization as a specific tangential experience to be used in co-design with participants for whom this is relevant. The focus should be on everything that happens after the moment a doctor decides to prescribe a new medicine. The assumption is that the Rx is being electronically sent to the pharmacy 'one file'
Existing research shows that digital is not a differentiator for PDP (Prescription Drugs Plan)
We were asked to find out what it will take to engage Humana’s PDP customers digitally to retain them, potentially upsell, and ultimately, increase satisfaction and sales.
We have a deep understanding of the digital lives of Humana customers and potential customers.
We have identified strategies and actions to create value and reimagine the Humana digital experience.
Often, members encounter surprises when they arrive at their pharmacy to pick up their prescriptions. They may not know that a Rx isn’t covered, or that the cost is high. They may not know if there are generic options available or that they could pay less by going to another local pharmacy or mail ordering online.
First, before touching anything related to design, We (UX Team) wanted to dive into the user behavior, their desires, and motivations behind the goal setting.
Identify Design Challenges and Sketches Exercise
Are there any circumstances under which you would change to have your Rx filled by HP?
What kind of support do you need from HP? When filling an Rx through an online pharmacy
How can we create an end-to-end experience of getting a new Rx that eliminates surprises and puts on Humana to monitor and proactively engage the member to maximize their benefits
Design Challenges
How can we design an experience that increases awareness of HP, removes friction from the transfer process, instills trust in Humana, and provides members with support?
My Roles and Responsibilities in the Discovery Phase
As A Lead UX Specialist:
I Facilitated Brainstorming Sessions
I Facilitated UX Team and WM Team Work Sessions Discussions
I Facilitated Whiteboarding Sessions
I Worked on quick Paper Sketches and Paper Prototypes for the use case that was assigned to me
I Worked on Mural Board Presentations (Online Collaboration Platform for Teams)
Conclusion Summary of Discovery Phase
Discovered Audience Expectations and Needs
Discovered Pain Points of an existing Humana system
Identified and prioritized high-level key user tasks and scenarios that need UX solutions for the MVP
Agreed on high-level UX planning, Problem Statements, and Timelines
Agreed for the UX team count (UX Lead, Designers, Visual Designers, Content Strategists)
Agreed to work on Agile Methodologies with Lean UX Planning