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User Experience Design (Concepts and Strategies)
Creating a Roadmap
Translating the maturity model into a UX roadmap, or actionable plan is simple. Three steps we follow:
1. Determine the starting point
To determine the roadmap starting point, firms should circle the cell in each capability that most accurately reflects its UX strategy.
2. Find the end goal
After assessing the current state, the goal of the UX roadmap is to set targets to move the firm’s UX strategy to a more mature state. These targets should be driven by business goals, not by aiming to reach the benchmark category.
3. Connect the dots
By this point, each mobile capability should have two cells identified—the company’s current design state and its target design state. When creating a mobile initiative, firms must identify the steps needed to go from the start to the end goal.
Modes of Interaction
Devide tasks amongst 6 modes of interactions, i.e.
1. Monitor: Make the most frequent actions easy and quick.
2. Manage: Make the less frequent actions findable.
3. Analyse: Provide the right information at the right time.
4. Research: Support, automate and guide each users workflow.
5. Communicate: Make the interface as streamlined as it can be.
6. Execute: Ensure the user is aware of the consequences of certain actions.
Ensuring The Satisfaction
The key consideration is to avoid application growing organically. But rather have a framework for the application that reassessment and rework to best suit the product at a release point.
User Interaction Design (UID) Diagram
The diagram designed for a project that shows how the tasks distributed amongst 6 modes of interactions (Monitor, Manage, Analyse, Research, Communicate and Execute)
Current State and Future State View
Current State Assessment / Evaluation
The evaluation helps to determine issues and possible improvements.
User Interface Evaluations
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