wealth management - UX case study
Extensively worked with the top brands in Wealth Management such as FIDELITY, WELLINGTON, INVESCO, AND BABSON CAPITAL. Presenting here a few use cases of MANAGED SOLUTIONS
Click on these tabs (UX Phases) to understand the roles and activities I performed during each phase
High-fidelity wireframes transformed into interactive demonstrations that closely simulate the look and behavior of a product. Also utilized to conduct user testing and gather valued feedback on the product's usability. The clickable prototype was generated in a Figma tool
Proposal is ready
Sally receives notification on her phone that her proposal is ready for review
Viewing Proposal
Sally then taps on a notification to view the proposal and access the landing screen. She taps onto "Get Started" to navigate to a planning center
Sally Z, 59 TA: $1 - 3 M, Currently has self-managed WA account, but has an interest in switching over to a "Managed Solutions"
I want to work with a Financial Advisor who understands our unique needs and can help us make confident and informed decisions about our future
Planning Center
Sally sees that her planning center dashboard has been updated with multiple plans that she can discuss with her WM advisor
Proposal Conversation with
WM Advisor
Sally navigated to a Co-browsing session with WM advisor. The advisor can run her through the multiple plans he has inserted based on her future goals and asset numbers. It's an interactive conversation over the phone between Sally and her advisor
Proposal Conversation with WM Advisor
Sally navigated to a "Retirement Goal" by tapping the "Goal Distribution" section and suggests Advisor make a few changes in the plan
Risk Numbers
By tapping the "Risk Number" section, Sally can access details and learn more about how these numbers are calculated. This will help her change anything in her plan. The advisor explained her the pros/cons of each number and how this will affect her achieve the targeted future goals
Tax Drag Section (Popup)
By tapping the "Tax Drag" section, Sally can access details and learn more about the Tax Drag. The visual graph and a contextual help video can guide the Tax Drag details and how it works
Timely notifications and alerts give confidence to the user
Multiple plans are provided based on goal distribution, so the user can select an appropriate plan
The co-browsing feature was added to the advisor and the customer can have smooth conversation
Infographics and data visualization (graphs) were added
Help videos added
Key Improvements in Wealth Management App
My roles and Responsibilities in Prototype phase
Taking the high-fidelity wireframes and transitioning those into clickable prototypes by using the Figma tool
Presented this prototype to stakeholders (executive directors, product owners, technical team, and business leads) and requested feedback, inputs
Iterated this prototype based on the feedback
Conducted user testing by using this prototype to users, participents, WM advisors